Interview with Matias

What jobs do your parents have?:

Español: "Mi mama es una cocinera en un food truck. Cocina papas, dedos de pescado, pollo frito, sopas, casados, arroz con camamrones, salchipapas y papanacho."

English: My moom is a cook in a food truck. She cooks potatoes, fish sticks, fried chicken, soups, casados (rice and beans with meat), rice with shrimp, sausage and potatoes, and potatoes with nachos.

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

Español: "Cuando entro por la manana entro a las 7 y salgo a las 11:30. Cuando entro por la tarde entro a las 12:10 y salgo a las 4:40."

English: When I go in the morning, I go at 7 and leave at 11:30. In the afternoon I go at 12:10 and leave at 4:40.

How do you get to school? Are you allowed to go to school by yourself?:

Español: "Voy a pie. Voy solo y vengo solo."

English: I walk. I go by myself and return by myself.

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

Español: "En el comedor. Mi comida favorita en la escuela es albondigas con arroz."

English: In the cafeteria. My favorite food in the school is meatballs with rice. 

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

Español: "Español. Hola."

English: Spanish. "Hi".

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

"Kelet, Raul, Joseph, Antony, Che (Josue), Jesús, Andrés, Rihanna, Camila, Kristin, Bianca."
