Middle Atlas Mountain Environment

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

While there is quite a bit more water available here compared to the surrounding mountains, there has been a lot less water overall in recent times because it has not snowed as much and it has been getting much hotter than normal.  This environment also features mountain roads that are difficult to travel, so there are not many stores here or anything other than necessities. 

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

People here have figured out innovative ways to use the water from the springs and waterfalls to water their farms by building aquaducts that bring the water down into the valley to the farmland. Most people here eat mainly the things that grow here in this dry climate: they make tea with rosemary, they use olive oil in all cooking, and they eat mostly mutton (sheep meat) from local herds.  

Morocco Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Location Data:
POINT (-4.5000014 33.5000015)
