Let's Meet Scientists Adam Weaver and Lee-Gray Boze

East Greenland
71.706936000000, -42.604303000000
Journal Entry:

Hello again from East Greenland! I am excited to introduce you to my new friends, Lee-Gray Boze and Adam Weaver.

Lee-Gray grew up in Alaska where he developed a love for the polar regions. Today, his job is to be an ocean scientist. He works at Woods Hole in MA with the U.S. Geological Survey. He is an expert in deep-ocean and surface flux biogeochemistry. Lee-Gray has two daughters, ages two and seven. He also has a very big Maine Coon cat! He loves to restore his antique wooden sailboat in his free time, and he is also an amateur radio operator. Just like me, Lee-Gray is a member of The Explorers Club. He will share his work with The Explorers Club when our journey to Greenland is over!

Adam Weaver lives in South Dakota and he is the Operations Manager for the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research. He is an expert in cave exploration. Can you believe that Adam has participated in and even led more than 40 multi-day underground expeditions? Adam has degrees in Environmental Research, Aircraft Armament Systems, Water Resource Management and Naturel Resource Stewardship. He is working on many projects right now, including a collaboration with NASA and a paleontological project.
