Alanna's Journey to Argentina

Current Location

Córdoba Argentina

Hi! I'm Alanna. I'm so excited to tell you about my wonderful experiences in Argentina! 


This week, I tried a new restaurant, saw the first mini flood of the school year, and visited the "Little Germany" of Argentina.


Fútbol (soccer) is a dearly loved sport in Argentina and across the globe. Vamos a aprender (We will learn) about the wonderful culture and exciting traditions of this sport.

Field Notes

Let's learn about the crested caracara, a scavenger bird who's resourcefulness is admired by many! 


Last week, I traveled over 400 miles from Córdoba to Buenos Aires. I took a city tour, visited the MALBA art muesum, took a boat to Puerto de Tigre, saw a Tango Show, and shopped at San Telmo Market!