Ember's Journey to Japan

Current Location

Nissin, Japan

Hi! I am Ember. I enjoy learning languages and about people from around the world. This year I am in Japan learning the Japanese language and culture. Join me on this adventure!


Read on to learn about my experience with the change from summer to fall. I'll also share my experience visiting Nara, Japan, the home of the Nara deer and many historical shrines and temples.


Sadly, it is time for our adventures in Japan to come to an end and for me to bid all of you farewell!

Field Notes

Let's learn about daily life in Japan from my fellow classmate, Yume. Yume is a R.A. in my dorm and grew up here in Aichi. Do you think her life will be different than our lives in America?


Today I'll share some of my favorite photos of different locations and special objects from around Japan.  I hope you enjoy taking a look!