Traveler Bio

Hello! Or as we say in Sweden, Hej!

My name is Francesca. I’m 22 years old and was born in Brockton, Massachusetts. I recently finished my bachelor’s degree at Princeton University, where I studied chemistry and environmental science. I’m currently spending a year in Sweden conducting chemistry research at Lund University, where I'm studying catalysts that help remove hydrogens from molecules (catalysts are substances that help speed up chemical reactions). This research can help develop ways to store energy, so I find it really interesting! When I go back to the US, I will be starting a PhD in chemistry at MIT. That means I’m going to be a student for a very long time, but I really love learning and hope to work as a scientist! So I am very happy that I get to spend my time working in a lab and doing cool experiments!

Outside of chemistry, I really enjoy ice skating, dancing, and visiting new places. I care a lot about the environment, so I also spend time doing sustainability-focused work. In fact, one of the reasons I wanted to live in Sweden is because the country is known for being very sustainable! There is always so much to learn from visiting somewhere new and seeing how things are done differently, so I can’t wait to see how my time in Sweden will impact me. I am really thankful to have the opportunity to live abroad for a year while also doing exciting research. I can’t wait to share my adventures with you!

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