Pulis are good at fighting off wolves because the thick coat of fur protects their skin. The dogs are said to be quite fast and agile and survive well in the wild. They are used to guard and herd sheep due to their intelligence. In modern times, pulis have become good housepets because they are so smart; they are often in dog shows and other competitive dog events. As a family dog, they make good security dogs and faithful family guardians. They can be very friendly and playful, even when they are older. They regard their family as their flock, and will keep their distance until they are sure a stranger is not a threat. When annoyed, they may attack without warning. They can be extremely independent and obstinate, and so they only accept strong-willed individuals as master. The puli is very obedient, focused and determined when assigned a task, making them good police dogs.
Some of the predators of the Hungarian puli are wolves, bears, and coyotes. As I mentioned earlier, none of these animals are a severe threat to the puli because of the thick coat they have. We should not be worried about the puli, especially because they are such smart animals!