Veronica's Journey to Panama

Current Location

Macaracas, Panama

Hey! My name is Veronica Buczak and I'm a current Peace Corps volunteer in Macaracas, Panama. I'm excited to share my journey with you all. Dale pues (Ok then), let's go!


This week was super fun! I visited the province's capital to meet up with a friend, visited a finca and traveled to a neighboring province. What did my day-to-day activities look like this week?


Panamanians often dress quite differently from U.S. Americans and have different standards for work and casual wear. How do Panamanians dress and what does traditional wear look like here?



Field Notes

In Macaracas, there is an incredible number of wild dogs and cats. This week I explored with my host brother to learn more about the feral cats and why there are so many.


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