
I love to go running or go for long walks throughout cities to explore around new places. I do this in New York City too, even though it is very familiar to me. I will usually run to a certain destination in a city, take a few pictures and look around. Once I have spent enough time taking it all in, I will usually take public transportation back to where I am staying. My legs are usually too tired by then to walk back home!

Besides my love for cities, I love working with kids. For the last four summers, I have worked as a summer camp counselor at Frost Valley YMCA. The time I have spent there has been the best time of my life. In the future I definitely want to have a job working with kids or helping to improve the education system. 

Another one of my strongest passions is my passion for basketball. I am a huge New York Knicks fan, and I have many shirts and stickers to prove it! In the countries I am traveling to, basketball is not a very popular sport. However, I am hoping to gain a passion and learn about sports that aren't as popular in the United States! 

I am excited to learn more about all of you, and hope to spread my passion for cities to all of you as well. I cannot wait to share my journey with all of you as I explore three very unique countries and cities around the world! 
