We listened to older songs like "Dancing Queen" and "I want to Dance with Somebody," and new songs like "Havana" and "Shake it Off."
I enjoyed every minute of my road trip. I am happy I have made such great friends from all over the world. Even spending 12 hours driving in one day was fun because we were able to sing to the radio and talk about anything and everything.
This week I did a lot of reading based on where we were traveling. I did a lot of Google searches to read about the history behind some of our stops. I learned about the history of Fraser Island, once of the places I visted. The island was named Fraser Island because Eliza Fraser lived on the island after a shipwreck and was captured by Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people are the native people on the land. It is similar to Native Americans, but instead in Australia they are called "Aborginal" people.
I did not play any sports this week but instead we did a lot of hiking and swimming. I was able to swim in the Pacific Ocean, and it was warm since we were so far north!
While traveling one of my stops was Brisbane, a big city in the state of Queensland. While I was there, they were celebrating the annual Brisbane Festival. This festival is an arts festival, so there are a lot of different music concerts and dance performances. I was lucky because I was there on the last night of the festival. The last night is special because there is a huge firework show.