Hasta Luego, Amigos!!!

Oviedo, Asturias
43.361915588379, -5.849388599396
Journal Entry:

1. Language Acquisiton Is Difficult!

 Learning another language is hard, but it is amazing at the same time. This year has taught me what a gift it is to be able to communicate in another language. I want to start learning so many other languages right now! I know that the road to mastering another language is tough, but take it from someone who almost gave up on it years ago that being multilingual is a beautful thing. 

2. Listen Twice Before Saying You Understand.

A big lesson that I learned here is that I still have so much left to learn. I have studied very hard throughout my life, but moving to another country taught me how much more there is to learn and how easy it is to assume that you know everything you need to know. I have learned to take each conversation as a chance to learn something new about the topic at hand or the person speaking with me.

3. Our Brains Are Powerful, But Sometimes They Need A Break.

I am a very organized person and I rarely take the time to breathe, but this year I learned how important taking a "time out" really is. I have learned to love alone time through meditation and quiet walks.
