The Saxon and Bohemian mountain ranges

Today, manufacturing, and metalworking make up a large percent of the economy, all requiring dependence on the local environment.

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

One main challenge in this area is modern-day transportation. While trains connect larger cities and towns, many villages and smaller cities are less well served, and they feel remote, as a result. These cities are connected by roads that cut through the mountains, requiring cars and regular road maintenance. While it’s becoming more common for Germans to have a drivers’ license and to own a car, there are many people who aren’t able to drive. Public transit is, therefore, very important for their mobility.

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

People have been utilizing the environment for their basic needs and for their economic endeavors for a very long time. Tourism has also brought economic security to this region. There are also plenty of winter sports played here as well!

Sächsische Schweiz, Germany
