DARTing Around Dublin

I use the bus to get to the city center (about 25 minutes), to go to the mall (about 15 minutes), or to the nearby popular grocery store chain, Tesco (about 10 minutes). Not to mention, I love how the buses are double-deckers--they have two levels. 

Recently, I took the DART to go to the fishing village of Howth for a walking tour. I really enjoyed the train ride to Howth as the cabins were clean and a cute light green color. On the train, you sit in a group of four seats that are facing each other, with a window on the side. I sat by the window and got to see glimpses of the waters of Dublin Bay and the coast of County Dublin. Sitting is kind of tight, as there is not a lot of legroom since the four seats are placed close together. However, since my friends and I are short, sitting bunched together was not that bad. If I was taller, and if I had to sit with complete strangers, then I might have felt a bit more uncomfortable.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

The DART train system has allowed for easier access to Dublin city center for people who live in the small suburban towns that surround it. This is better for commuters or people who travel some distance to work on a daily basis, as they do not only have to rely on cars or the bus to get to the city. Using public transportation is more environmentally friendly as it reduces the number of cars on the road that produce carbon emissions. Also, more people have access to better and higher-paying jobs in the city since they have more options to get there. This, in turn, increases the quality of life in the area as people have more money to spend on their wants and needs.
