In Brazil, you will constantly see souvenirs and postcards from Rio that depict the favelas as colorful, vibrant, and fun places. However, the people that call the favelas home do not appreciate their communities being a tourist attraction. Thus, we should respect their privacy!
The way that we perceive a community can have a big impact on what life is like in that community. For example, in Brazil, some people are scared of people from the favelas because of the danger and violence that the media constantly projects. One way we can all aid the favelas is learning about them, and respecting them. Public perception can have a big impact on their ability to become more a part of their own city (Rio de Janeiro) now, and in the future.
I hope that by sharing with you a little bit about about the favelas, you can respect these communities - and not think of them as incredibly dangerous places. Take some time if you can and research the favela communities. Favelas are vibrant communities of people who live their lives just like us. They have needs, desires, dreams, just like us!