On this expedition, Garrett will be leading the team, providing the logistics (getting from place to place and having the right supplies) and safety.
Sydney Aveson, water safety paddler: In college, Sydney studied expeditionary studies and is now an experienced paddler. On this expedition, she will be guiding the team on the river and making sure that we are all safe.
Rebecca Ziegler, water sciences researcher: Rebecca is a marine scientist, commercial diver and explorer. She currently works for Walt Disney World in Florida as a Water Sciences Dive Technician. On this expedition, Rebecca will be collecting water samples along the Mekong River and measuring the amount of microplastics in the water.
Leon Schoenfeld, environmental entrepreneur: Leon is a world traveler and an environmental entrepreneur. He co-founded a water-purification company. On this expedition, he is assisting Rebecca's microplastics research.
Leigh Wright, writer and cultural communicator: Leigh is a writer, researcher, explorer and cultural enthusiast. Her purpose is to help people understand other people. On this expedition, she will be making a film exploring the impact of tourism in Cambodia.