Daily Life in Tronadora with Yadixsa

Yadixsa and her family spend a lot of their free time relaxing socially on their porch (or corredor, as we call it here).

What is your family like?:

Yadixsa's family is huge! Close family members live in the house with her, but she lives close by to two of her brothers and a sister, who both have sprawling family trees of their own. It isn't uncommon for Campos family events to draw 30 to 40 people.

How do you get around?:

Yadixsa shares a work truck with her brother. They work at the same ranch and generally carpool to and from work. If Yadixsa needs to go to the nearby town, Tilarán, to visit the bank or buy groceries, she'll take the bus. In Costa Rica, particularly in the campo (or countryside), it's quite common to hitch-hike. Because towns like Tronadora are so small, people are comfortable hopping into a car cruising down the road. Chances are they already know the driver! A lot of people in Costa Rica rely on motorcycles and motorbikes for transportation, since they're cheaper to buy and service than a car.

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Despite the heat, it's common for Costa Ricans (or Ticos, as they call themselves) to always wear pants. It's a formality and generally a sign of respect. When she's working, Yadixsa always wears jeans and thick rubber boots. The boots are a necessity, particularly on the ranch where you might find yourself calf-deep in manure! Boots are also worn as a precaution against snakes which are commonly found in the cow pastures and surrounding forests.
