Farewell: Where Will We Go Next?!

At the same time the opportunity to travel and learn is a privilege. If the chance ever crops up in your life, make sure to take it and enjoy it while you can, since these chances may be few and far between.

But that's enough philosophizing! Although your school year is wrapping up and our stories stop here, I'll continue my work in Tronadora for the next year and a half. I'm not sure what suprises Tronadora still holds. Maybe I'll learn to ride horses or get flung off bulls. Only time will tell! We'll be seing each other for one last video call soon, and I want to hear about what plans you all have for the future, or even just for the summer.

I'll leave you with a few pictures from the past couple of months. Enjoy them, and also enjoy the warm weather en route to Connecticut!
