Albarino builds these instruments in a small workshop behind his house, and he knows how to play all of them as well. It takes a long time to build the instruments, as much as several months depending on how many other projects he is working on and how long it takes to gather the materials that he needs.
During some of my visits, Albarino showed me how to play the trutruka and pifilka. The trutruka was really difficult to play. You have to blow a lot of air to get it to make a sound, and you have to shape your lips just right to get a noise that sounds pleasant! The pfilka was much easier for me, which makes sense, considering that I play the flute and recorder back home.
Today, of course, Mapuche people have incorporated many other instruments into their music. The guitar is very popular, just like it is in the rest of Argentina. There are Mapuche musicians who create rap, rock, heavy metal, electronic and folk songs that incorporate Mapuche language, rhythms, and lyrical content in unique ways. One of my favorite songs by a local musician is the song “Newen Kürruf” (Strength of the wind) by my friend Ariel. He does such a good job capturing the atmosphere and energy of the lands that today are known as Esquel.
I'll end by giving you links to a couple of videos to help you enjoy the music!
Video of Ariel Manquipan performing "Newen Kürruf":
Video of Anahí Mariluan demonstrating how to play the pifilka: