Leaving London means losing the easy access I've had to other countries this semester, which has been a blessing and enabled me to travel so much. However, I know my traveling doesn't end when this trip does. There's tons to explore in the United States, and for an explorer, every day can be a new adventure. Being an explorer isn't about how many places you've visited. Instead, it's about being curious about the world around you and having the passion to go see it. Everyone is born with those qualities, and every single kid in the world, including you, is an explorer right now.
The sad thing is, it's really easy to lose that curiosity and excitement as you grow up and get used to the world you've always lived in. My challenge to you is to never lose it! Stay excited to explore, keep asking questions and keep trying new things. Now that we've gone on this journey together, you all know how much more there is to the world, so don't let anything stop you from seeing it all for yourself. I grew up in the same town, in the same school, with the same teacher that you have now, and I managed to study abroad. I've seen more of the world at 20 years old than some people see in a lifetime. Don't let anyone tell you that it's impossible, because if I did it, so can you.
—Where do you want to study abroad in the future?
—I've shared my journey with you as I've traveled this semester. With whom will you share your journey?