Let's Go to Bokor Plateau!

We continued to climb until we arrived at what appeared to be flat ground. The plateau extended as far as our eyes could see. It is truly an amazing landform!

We visited an old church and hotel that were built by the French in the early 1920s. The church had been abandoned in the late 1940s because of local rebellions. Today, the church and hotel ruins represent the complicated and tragic history of Cambodia. There is a viewpoint just beyond the church that offers stunning views of the ocean. I felt like I was on top of the world as I stood at the edge of the plateau, gazing down into the vast rainforest and ocean. I could see for miles and miles!

After touring the ruins, Drew and I stopped to eat lunch at a local spot across from the abandoned hotel. We didn’t know what to expect (or how to order besides pointing at what looked good!), but we enjoyed delicious Khmer (ethnic group native to Cambodia) barbeque. It was one of the best meals I've had in Asia so far. After thanking our wonderful cook, we headed back down the mountain towards the setting sun over the Gulf of Thailand.

Visiting Bokor Plateau was an unforgettable adventure that I wouldn't have had if I had blindly followed a few bad reviews on the internet. Sometimes it's best to experience a place for yourself to reach your own conclusion. Journey onward, my friends!
