Our News

What did I read this week?:

This week I finished two books--A Snake Falls to Earth and The Last Cuentista (a cuentista is a storyteller--they're actually both about storytellers)--and I read half of a book called Memorias de Idhun. The first two were just published in the US, but the third one hasn't even been translated to English!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I don't play a lot of sports, although I've been doing a lot of stretching to keep my body limber as the weather gets colder. I also played some videogames with my friends in the United States. It's nice, especially when you move as often as I do, to have ways to connect with people who live far away from you.

Other news from this week:

Technically it wasn't this week, but just over a week ago we celebrated Halloween. In Spain, that's the last big holiday before Christmas (Spain is historically a Catholic country, so Christian holidays have the strongest cultural roots here). They don't celebrate Thanksgiving outside of English classes at school, since it's is an American holiday!
