Travel News

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

The most interesting place that I visited this week was definitely Puerta del Sol (Gate/Door of the Sun) for New Year's Eve. Puerta del Sol is considered to be the exact center of Spain, and everyone crowds there for New Year's Eve celebrations like they do at Times Square. Traditionally, people eat 12 grapes with each of the 12 chimes of the clock tower, which is followed by fireworks. It was a really cool experience!

Other Travel News from this week:

The Fulbright program that I'm a part of has a mid-year conference the first week of February. This year, it will be in Valencia on the east coast of Spain! I'm excited to share my experiences from that weekend with you all! 

Time Zone: CET Central Europe Time +1
Local Time: Jan 5, 2019 7:00pm
