No way, Josué!


Have you ever wondered how different your life would be if you lived in another country? What if you lived in Spain? Josué’s family moved to Spain from Colombia a few years ago, and he’s already settled into life as a young Spaniard. In this interview, Josué shares his typical day, dreams, and experiences as a kid in Spain.

Watch the interview on YouTube: (English and Spanish captions are available in settings. Video shared with parent permission.)

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

Before going to school, my parents always serve me toast with butter, because the truth is, I like it. For lunch, they serve me rice with meat or sometimes potatoes and other things like that. For dinner, it's usually arepas.

What is your house like?:

It looks very nice! It has a lot of space, and well, it's a nice place.

What chores do you have at home?:

I organize my room and help my brother Isaías with whatever he needs.

What jobs do your parents have?:

At the moment, my father paints, and my mother cleans a gentleman's house.

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

School starts at around 9, but I get to the bus stop at 8:30.
