- Trains: Trains are used for daily errands, traveling short distances within urban areas and to travel across prefectures.
- Bus: Buses are used for similar purposes as trains, but are less popular and mostly used for travel within cities.
- Bikes: Bikes are used to travel in neighborhoods, such as going to a train station if it’s more than a 20 minute walk from home. Based on my observations, it is also the most popular form of transport for UberEats delivery service in Tokyo.
- Walking: Many people walk to the nearest train station for errands because buildings are built close together and popular shops have several convenient locations spread throughout the city.
- Taxi/Car: Taxis are used to travel about the same distance as trains and buses, but are used for faster transit time and by those who do not own a car. Cars are used by those who frequently commute outside the prefecture or those who live in suburbs.
- Airplanes: Planes are used to travel long distances across the Japanese archipelago, such as traveling to the northern island of Hokkaido or the southern island of Okinawa (Japan’s version of Hawaii). If you compare the whole of Japan to the size of California, it is 93.6% of my state and very similar in length!
- Other: When visiting tourist spots, harbors or national parks, transportation can vary, ranging from inclined trams to suspended cable cars to ferry boats!
For the most part, everyone relies on trains to get around. Trains in Japan are operated by different private companies, but the big three operating in Tokyo are J.R.