Getting Around Town

It is also common to see heavy duty chair lifts reserved for the elderly or physically handicapped attached to stairways in the station. Japan’s train stations are known to be the most accessible of any in the world because their construction takes into consideration the well-being of all potential passengers. 

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

At first, I was overwhelmed.

If you have never taken public transportation, it can be a very stressful experience because you’ll be worried about boarding the correct train, when to get off or potentially missing your stop, or how to transfer trains to get somewhere on time. On top of the initial stress, you’ll easily feel lost because many signs are in Japanese. Just remember, getting used to public transportation is a matter of exposure and familiarity. The more you ride the trains or use the same stations, the more you’ll start to build a mental map of where things usually are and eventually you can get around fine out of habit.

To help navigate the train schedules and the station exits, I often relied on Google Maps! To use this technology, you have to make sure your phone has access to internet by buying a data plan or Wifi hotspot, or otherwise you’ll have to use regular paper maps or ask the station staff for help if you know enough Japanese. When using Google Maps, I use the “directions” feature after tapping in my current location and my desired destination, then click on the train symbol to see suggested train routes, current train schedule, and estimated trip fare. Pretty convenient, right?
