As a small and young country, Kosovo has a lot of needs. Unfortunately, not all of the needs are being met. For example, there are not adequate garbage services. I walk my trash bag to one of the many sets of big green dumpsters that sit around the city, and I have no idea where it is taken from there. Power needs are not being met, either. Sometimes the power grid is unable to support the demand, so the city has periodic blackouts. Then there's the issue of heat in the winter, because some homes have it and others do not. Those without heating systems burn coal, which is a major contributor to air pollution. Unemployment plagues the country, as does a shortage of medical equiptment and medicine. I was just at a meeting about women's access to mammography, a service which is hard to get here. There are a lot of human community needs in Kosovo that have yet to be addressed. That's important to acknowledge.
Now that we have touched upon some of the difficulties in meeting the needs of the human community in Kosovo, I'm going to use the rest of this post to focus on some of the good!