I was simply itching to try something new and it was Pani Puri that I happened to see. Asking for what I wanted was difficult. We didn't share any common languages. After a few moments of awkward, failed communication, he motioned with his fingers how much money he wanted (20 rupees) and he handed me a little plate. He then started preparing something.
I was confused. Why couldn't he prepare the food and give it to me in the plate in one go? I also was starting to regret my purchase. 20 rupees for a plate this small? I knew that the language barrier meant I should just accept what I get, but you can't blame me for having some bleak expectations.
When he finished filling up one of the crispy balls, he motioned me to bring the plate towards him. The snack was bite-sized, so I ate the whole thing at once. I remember the experience vividly--the crispy crunch followed by the explosion of flavor and texture. The snack was cool in temperature and utterly juicy because of the spiced broth inside. The mashed blend of potatoes, chickpeas and chili captivated me. Because Pani Puri has such a varied combination of ingredients and textures in a single bite, it was difficult to fully understand what I was tasting. All I knew for sure was that all of it was good.
I felt I had gotten 20 rupees worth of food after that one bite, but then he made me another, and another and another until I had six Pani Puri in a row! He then handed me a napkin and motioned me to wait. He was preparing something else. Still using the crunchy Puri, he put more filling and many more spices. He added a couple roasted peanuts to the mix as well. He then put two of these dry Puri's on my hand--a couple more delicious bites. In total, I had eight Puri's for 20 rupees.