Reach the World announces the release of a new GeoGames app and its Road Scholar fundraising campaign. To purchase the GeoGames app, search for "GeoGames" in the Apple App Store or Google Play. To help more youth experience a global world, join RTW's Road Scholar campaign.
Press release below:
NEW YORK, December 21, 2014 – Reach the World (RTW) has released a new geography learning app, GeoGames, on iOS and Android platforms. RTW offers both a free and paid version of the app. The free version allows users to “Build Planet Earth” by testing their knowledge of continents, oceans and other geographic features. The paid version allows users to further hone their mapping skills by adding countries, cities and other features. RTW is a New York City-based nonprofit dedicated to providing global education and mentoring programs for youth.
A Research-Backed App
GeoGames is the result of a five-year research study led by Reach the World and Dr. Susan Lowes at Teachers College, Columbia University. The National Geographic Society Education Foundation funded the project. This study identified six key concepts that young learners need to become proficient in world geography: the concept of the map frame; the shape and placement of objects in the map; the orientation of these objects; the spatial relationships among them; the nesting of objects within objects; and the scale of the different objects. GeoGames is designed to help young learners master these concepts.
GeoGames brings geography learning into the 21st Century via a play-to-learn approach. Traditional methods of geography learning are largely based upon memorization and may be discriminatory toward children who have low reading levels. With GeoGames, children can play and learn complex geographic concepts; reading skills are not required. “GeoGames is both fun and tied to educational outcomes,” says Heather Halstead, Reach the World’s Executive Director. “Drag-and-drop technology and a race the clock format help children learn through play.”
App Sales Support Scholarships and New Games
Sales of Reach the World’s GeoGames directly support scholarships for disadvantaged youth. In the future, RTW plans to develop new games featuring human and physical geography themes. To support RTW’s Road Scholar scholarship fund campaign tied to the release of GeoGames, click here: http://fnd.us/c/cusU0/sh/24K9Ie.
ZuriApps: Socially-Minded Mobile Development
www.ZuriApps.com is a socially-minded mobile development house that builds apps for businesses, startups and charities. ZuriApps believes that technology can be a force for good when placed in the right hands. For this reason, ZuriApps reinvests 50 percent of its profits into helping charities such as RTW meet their technology needs.
Download Links
All GeoGames sales support scholarships for disadvantaged youth to experience Reach the World’s global programming.
iOS $0.99 Version: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id948134931
Android $0.99 Version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.geogames.paid