Meet Emily


Emily and I met when we were matched up through the University of Potsdam's Buddy Program, which pairs up visiting international students and local students at the University. She's the person I go to with all my little questions about living in this area, like which trains I can take with my student pass.

What is your full name?:

Emily Plewka. I asked Emily if her last name is Polish, because it sounds more Polish than German to me. She said that it probably is, but that she doesn't have any Polish family members, so she's not sure where it came from.

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

Emily lives in a shared flat in Potsdam. She has two roommates who are both fellow students at the University. They have a shared kitchen, where she and her roommates will sit together and chat. They do not have a living room, which is pretty common for shared apartments here.

What is your family like?:

Emily has a 15-year-old brother. Her father is a teacher and her mother is an engineer. They live in her hometown, which is only an hour west of Potsdam, so they visit each other often.

How do you get around?:

Emily mostly uses her bike to get around in Potsdam, or she takes public buses, trains and trams. She takes a regional train when she goes home to visit her family, and while she's there she drives her family's car.
