I had never really heard any city names in South Africa, so when I was told I would be moving somewhere called Potchefstroom, I was nervous but excited! This Logbook will be all about my life there!

Hello! My name is Amanda, and I can't wait to show you what South Africa is all about! Join me on my adventures as I study aquatic ecosystem health at North West University in Potchefstroom.
I had never really heard any city names in South Africa, so when I was told I would be moving somewhere called Potchefstroom, I was nervous but excited! This Logbook will be all about my life there!
Five months seems like a very long time. That's how long I have been in South Africa and yet it seems like just yesterday, I was getting off the plane and stepping out into a whole new world.
A country's local environment is mostly seen through its natural features which can include hills, rivers or deserts. I had a great time exploring the unique South African environment!
After I visited with the homeschool class, I was able to take a stroll through a girls-only boarding school in Potchefstroom! Here are all the pictures that I took.