Delicious Dining with Fabulous Friends and Family


With every new country comes new food! Since Samoa is an archipelago (a chain of islands), the people here enjoy a diet rich in seafood. Many tropical fish such as parrot fish, wahoo and mahi mahi are commonly found in Samoan dishes. A staple food of Samoa is taro, a root that can be cooked to make palusami. Palusami is taro cooked with taro leaves in coconut milk. For the adventurous eater, Samoa provides a wonderful assortment of new foods to try. You might be surprised to learn that Samoan cuisine has been influenced by Chinese dishes. This is due to a long history of Chinese immigration to Samoa dating back to the late 1800s. If you like Chinese food, you might find you like many Samoan dishes, too!

What food did I try?:

I have tried palusami, curries, soups, chop suey, sea cucumbers and sea worms! I also drink coconut juice straight out of the coconut husk before eating the delicious fruit inside. Mmmm… that's tasty!

How did I feel when I tried it?:

When I tried the palusami, I was genuinely happy and pleased with how the flavors of the coconut cream tasted with the cooked taro root and leaves. I was surprised by how dense taro is. It feels even thicker than a potato!
