Japan is home to numerous species of plants and animals. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the Japanese koi. Japanese koi are a type of fish in the Amur Carp family. Koi are colorful fish that are commonly kept in ponds and gardens for aesthetic appeal. Carp are originally found in Central Europe and Asia with various color mutations, but China started breeding carp to have specific colors over 1,000 years ago. Color breeding of carp in Japan started in the 1820s and the world became aware of the Japanese koi around 1914. From that point on, keeping koi became a popular hobby all around the world.
Koi are very special because they come in a wide variety of colors. The average size of a koi is around 3.28 feet long and it can grow two centimeters a month! While koi can come in many colors, their body shape remains unchanged. They have small barbs on either side of their mouth. Some of the most popular color variants are red, white, gold, blue, black and cream. Japan categorizes koi types by their color, pattern and scales. One of the most famous patterns is the Taishō Sanshoku, which is white with red and black markings. My favorite is the shimmering, all-blue koi that flow with the water.