Before I visited Iguazú Falls, my friend warned me to watch out for the coatis. He told me that these animals can be very sneaky when it comes to stealing food. He was right! The national park at Iguazú Falls was full of coatis. They are furry animals with long bushy tails. But don't be fooled by how cute they are. If you set your sandwich down, even for a minute, a coati is sure to come and take it from you!
Coatis are about one to two feet long, including their tail. They are about the same size as a large house cat. They have long pointed noses and bushy striped tails. They walk around on all four legs, and they are really good climbers.
When I first saw a coati, I thought it was really cute. It reminded me of my cat, Klaus. But then I saw it steal someone's sandwich from a table!
Coatis can be found in many different habitats. They can survive on cold mountains and in humid jungles. They are commonly found in southern parts of the U.S.A, in Central America and in South America.