People need to drink fresh water in order to survive. Did you know that the human body is about 60% water? People also need fresh water to grow plants, wash clothes and take showers. I am staying in a small city called Puerto Madryn, which has a really dry climate. I was curious to learn about how the people of Puerto Madryn get fresh water.
I am always curious about how people gain access to fresh water. I live in California, where we have frequent drought warnings and we have to be really careful about conserving water. I learned about how the history of how people in this area in Argentina accessed fresh water in the past and how they get water now.
Puerto Madryn is a small city in Chubut Province. It is located along the coast of El Golfo Nuevo (The New Gulf). There is plenty of ocean water nearby, but not much fresh water. The average rainfall here is 160 mm (6.3 inches) per year. In comparison, the average rainfall in Brooklyn is 1168.4 mm (46 inches) per year.