While most people in rural areas of the U.S., such as Howell, are accustomed to driving everywhere, that is not the case in many urban areas. In a large city, driving is often more difficult and expensive than public transportation. For example, in New York City, the majority of people do not drive to work each day. Rather, they make use of public transportation, like the subway or buses, to get where they need to go efficiently and cheaply. Although there isn’t a subway system here in Dakar, there are plenty of transportation options. The most popular are buses and taxis, but not all buses and taxis are the same.
Buses: There are three types of buses in Dakar. Similar to the U.S., the distance you travel determines your fare. The least expensive is a car rapide ("fast car"), easily identifiable by its bright colors. In addition to the yellow, red, and blue paint, the car rapide is usually decorated with slogans that signify the religious beliefs of the owner/operator.