Apart from Christmas and Halloween, I bet another one of your favorite days of the year is your birthday! That is true for almost everyone in Australia as well.
I have been able to celebrate two of my friend's birthdays while I have been here. We celebrate the same way you probably would, with a party and cake! Although kids your age often have a special dessert instead of cake. Instead of cake, Australian children have "Fairy Bread" on their birthday. Fairy bread is white bread (like sandwich bread) spread with butter and has a ton of sprinkles on it. The sprinkles even have a special name, they are called "hundreds and thousands." Once all of the "hundreds and thousands" are on the bread, it is then cut into triangles. If I grew up eating "Fairy Bread" I think I would probably like it but because I am grown-up, it is not appetizing to me.
Would you want to try "Fairy Bread"?
"Fairy Bread" has been a tradition for over 100 years in Australia but why this tradition began is not known. Some people think the tradition began because it was easy to just put butter and sprinkles on bread instead of baking a cake. Other people believe that it began because of a poem. Although the start of the tradition is still not known, it continues on today.