I've talked about them before, but get ready to learn about the cutest mongoose you will ever meet! I'm going to show you more about the meerkat. With their soft fur and sharp claws, these little burrowers will dig their way into your heart!
Imagine a field mouse. Now, make it about one foot long. Take the face and extend it out, similar to a cat's face. Picture the way a dog stands when begging for a treat; that is the lookout stance for a meerkat. A meerkat's coat is tan, with a black face to protect their eyes from the sun.
Meerkats are the cutest animal I have seen on this trip. I have an obsession with cute things, and meerkats are high on that list. This was the first time that I had gotten this close to one; I did not want to hurt it but was very excited to pet it. And, yes, their fur is as soft as it looks!
Meerkats come from Africa! Like me, these little creatures make their way a ways from home. In Africa, they dig underground tunnels to hide from predators in the desert.