If you are out running errands with your parents and you see your best friend you might yell their name or run up and hug them. In France when you see your friend out in public you kiss them once on each cheek. This is very similar to hugging your friend. Kissing on the cheek is called "bisous" and it is an important part of French culture. It is important to remember that these cheek kisses are not at all romantic.
I learned about the tradition called bisous. Bisous is important to the French culture becuase it is how you can show politeness when meeting people. If you run into your best friend in France, you might give them a hug. However, if you run into someone who you aren't as close with you do bisous. This is a friendly greeting that shows that you are acknowledging that you know and like someone. You can also say the word bisous when messaging with someone or when you are saying bye.
The community has this tradition from the Roman empire. The Romans used to use kisses as greeting and it ended up sticking around to present day.