On the night that Evo Morales resigned, the celebratory scene in San Miguel was far different from what was transpiring in places where indigenous Bolivians were both devastated about what had happened and afraid of what was to come. From the moment of the resignation on, the tensions and rifts between the indigenous, pro-Morales Bolivians and the non-indigenous, pro-democracy demonstrators exploded. Marches, roadblocks, food and gas shortages and violence spread across the country like wildfire.
The next morning, Emma at Up Close informed all of the volunteers that the nursery and schools in Mallasa and Jupapina would be closed for the day. That afternoon, Emma and her husband, Rolando, had heard that there was a march coming through Jupapina. They were worried that if the marchers were angry enough, they might try to loot or vandalize homes. Within a matter of minutes, Emma loaded up the six volunteers into her minivan and drove us to the empty nursery in Mallasa to take shelter. Waiting out the march in one of the classrooms, we mostly entertained ourselves with books and puzzles, while Emma took phone call after phone call. This went on for about an hour, until Emma got word that the march had peacefully passed through both Jupapina and Mallasa.