One of the most exciting parts of being a marine scientist is that no two days are the same! We learn to be flexible in the knowledge that anything can happen.

Hi, I'm Jane, and I have journeyed to the Caribbean coast of Mexico to investigate what may be a new species of manta ray! Join me as I track these amazing animals and learn how to best protect them.
One of the most exciting parts of being a marine scientist is that no two days are the same! We learn to be flexible in the knowledge that anything can happen.
Hola, explorers! Or maybe I should say, nos vemos pronto. See you again soon! At this end of this journey together, let me leave you with a little inspiration.
Hey, explorers! Grab your chaleco salvavidas (lifejackets), raincoats, and fins, because we have a boat to catch!
In this second video call with Jane from Mexico, Jane shares how she prepares to conduct fieldwork, how she collaborates with local partners, and some exciting news about mantas!