When I arrived in Argentina in March, I already knew a decent amount about what to expect. This is my fifth trip to the country, after all! But places always find a way to surprise you, and every time I am here I learn so many new things.
In Esquel, it is almost summertime. The days have been getting much warmer and longer. The sun comes up at 6:00 a.m. and doesn’t go down until almost 10:00 p.m. I think it is going to be difficult to go home to winter in the U.S. this week!
During my last week in Esquel, I made sure to spend time with all of my friends. I feel so lucky to have made so many wonderful connections with people in Esquel and other cities throughout Patagonia. I am already thinking about my next trip!
I hope that you have had a fun time following along with my travels! Next year, I will be back in the U.S., writing my dissertation to get my PhD in anthropology. I’ll also be teaching college anthropology classes. I hope that anyone reading this post has the chance to travel to different countries just as I have, and that when you do, you think a little more about language and music than you would have before. Pewkayal, hasta luego, and goodbye for now!