Willow's Journey to Germany

Current Location

Karlsruhe, Germany

Greetings from Germany! I'm Willow Neske, and I'm excited to share my experiences as a Fulbright research scholar working on water technology projects at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.



After attending a Fulbright seminar in the capital of the European Union, I decided to spend an extra day in Brussels, Belgium, to explore the city and learn more about its history and culture!


Thank you for joining me on my journey to Germany! I hope you learned something new about Germany, the environment, and how we are all interconnected. I also hope that you are inspired to go abroad!

Field Notes

I spent my first Lunar New Year away from family in the U.S. I celebrated with a friend in Frankfurt during Karneval, enjoying the children's parade and some delicious dim sum! 


In past journals, I explained that the goal of my research is to test whether a microbial electrolysis cell can produce hydrogen gas. In this album, I'll show you how I set up and run my experiments!