Australia’s summer starts December 1st and ends in late February, which is completely opposite to our summer back in the United States. This means that it is warm between December and February. Their colder months occur between June and August, their winter. An average temperature during the summer is 80F!
The tradition I learned about is their celebration of the start of summer! Many schools are out of session at this time of year, so families and friends travel to the beaches together to spend a day in the sun. The crowds at local beaches can get large as many people, locals and tourists, soak up the summer days at the beach!
The community has this tradition to come together and enjoy a day out. While temperatures don’t ever get too cold in this country, many Australians express their love for warmer days by going to the beach. Their beaches are famous and well-loved. Many holidays will take place at the beach in Australia! Some of these holidays include Christmas Day, New Year's and the national Australia Day celebration, which celebrates the establishment of Australia as an independent country!
This tradition allows kids and adults to both participate in it.