Paige's Journey to Thailand

Current Location


Hi! My name is Paige and I am an English teacher in Thailand! I am excited to teach you all about what a school day is like for kids (just like you) in Thailand!


While most of my time is spent teaching at school, I spend my free time at cafes, the gym, my apartment and exploring my town. Read to learn more about how I spend an average week in Thailand!


Welcome along on my journey to Thailand! I am so excited to share it with you. In this post, you will learn more about me, my interests and why I chose to teach outside of the United States!

Field Notes

Meet Kaelyn and Davin, two kids who live in my town! Read on to learn more about the lives of kids in Thailand.


Do you wish there were a holiday in America to celebrate kids? Thailand has a holiday called Children's Day that does! Take a look at this album to see how this holiday is celebrated at school!