Trying many things can open your mind to new possibilities and also give you valuable experience and knowledge that you can take with you to your future college and career. College can be a daunting and scary idea, especially when you haven’t even reached high school yet. Just focus on what you are doing now and make sure it has meaning to you and opens your mind to many possibilities. Reading books, watching videos and talking with people from around the world will show you just how many opportunities there are for you.
In Japan, there are different ways to say goodbye, depending on how long you will be gone. Sayonnara is for long goodbyes while ittekimasu is for short goodbyes that only last a few hours when leaving the home. The most commonly used goodbye is matta ne, which is used between friends who expect to see each other very soon. Goodbyes in Japan are important and none of them mean goodbye forever. I have had so much fun showing you Japan and sharing information. The world is full of possibilities, it just takes one brave step in front of the other to discover them. Until next time, matta ne!