Namaste, everyone! My name is Sadie, and I’m so excited to share my travels and experiences in India with you all. Before we begin our journey together, I want to share a little bit about myself.
This year, I’m living in New Delhi, India, but I spent the last five years in Boston, Massachusetts. I attended college at Boston University (BU). When I was a student at BU, I studied sociology and public health, including a lot of classes about what makes us healthy. I learned a lot about what other countries are doing to keep their people healthy, and also about how we can all collaborate across borders to give everyone a happy and healthy life. During this time, I realized that I wanted to make it my life’s work to help keep people healthy around the world. This mission is part of global health, which is the concept that we can all work and learn together to advance goals related to health, despite different countries of origin. This passion is what led me to spending the year in India learning from experts in my field of work!
This year, I’m in New Delhi, India, on a Fulbright research grant to do research on a disease called Tuberculosis, also known as TB. About 25% of the world’s TB patients live in India. TB can make you very sick.