Taking these opportunities to interact with the people here in Tenom has definitely made me feel part of this community.
The friends I have made here have helped me to navigate my way around Tenom. I have had to find where the grocery store is, where the best restaurants in town are and where I should get my hair cut. It can be quite scary figuring this out on your own, but I have found that people are more than willing to help if you simply ask. The first time I needed a haircut I asked some of my students. As it turns out, one of my students’ brothers was a barber and took me to his shop. The local people here have given me plenty of tips and advice on how to live here.
I am still learning my way around Tenom and creating new friendships. Living far away from home can be difficult at times, but reaching out to people who live in your new community makes each day easier as well as a little more interesting.