Hola! Bones festes! Bon Nadal! Hello! Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!
I write this last journal entry with a lot of joy and excitment for the holiday season. One part of being so far from home is feeling homesick. "Homesick" is a feeling that you experience when you miss being home and with friends and family. It's not something I have felt a lot since living in Andorra, even though I left the U.S.A. four months ago, but being homesick is something I have felt lately with the holidays.
I feel less homesick when I think about the holidays, though, so it helps that Andorrans love the holiday season as much as we love it back in the U.S.A. One important custom in Andorra is the tradition of Christmas markets. A Christmas market is an outdoor space filled with yummy food and cool items for sale. People usually go to buy presents for their loved ones and to share a meal with each other. There are Christmas markets all throughout Andorra. Not only are there markets, but there are lights absolutely everywhere! Andorrans really love their decorations! My friends and I are doing a gift exchange to help get in the holiday spirit, and I don't know what to get them. Do you have any recommendations for me?