Creating My Own Lunar New Year Celebration in Germany

These dishes can include dumplings, buns and other savory or sweet delicacies. Dim sum is typically eaten as breakfast or brunch, and it is a social dining experience where people share and enjoy a variety of dishes. My friend is Indonesian, and it was her first time trying dim sum. Because she is Muslim and can only eat Halal foods, I ordered seafood dishes for us to share, such as cheung fun.

Why does the community have this tradition?:

Karneval is a tradition with roots in Christianity, although non-Christian people in Germany take part in the festivities as well. Like Mardi Gras, which some people in the U.S. celebrate, Karneval is a period of lively celebration before the period of reflection and abstinence during Lent. 

The Lunar New Year, on the other hand, marks the beginning of the lunar calendar, which is determined by the cycles of the moon. The use of the lunar calendar in Asia dates back thousands of years. There are many customs associated with celebrating the first day of the Lunar New Year. For example, it is customary for people to spend time with family and eat traditional foods that are believed to bring good luck. 

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

The traditional ceremony of the Lord Mayor handing over of the key to the city is not unique to Frankfurt, and the custom provides a humorous way for participants take part in a reversal of roles. 
