We got to drive all over different remote parts of Slovenian forrests in the south near the border of Croatia to check and replace the batteries on different trap cameras that were set up to monitor a wolf pack in the area.
I read several different scientific articles on bears for work as well as some of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, a book I'm currently reading for fun. What books are you all reading?
I played a game called QuizUp on my phone, a trivia game, against my girlfirend. I've found that playing games like this is a great way to stay connected even though we are thousands of miles apart! Did any of you play any fun games this week or have any recommendations for some I could play?
The skies were so clear here that you could see all the way to the Alps! The Alps are a big mountain range about 30 to 45 minutes away. Usually, the sky is too cloudy to see that far, especially this time of year.